Living a Balanced Life
Since having my second daughter in December, life has got a little crazier (OK...a lot crazier!). As I'm getting back in the swing of things at work, I have been thinking a lot about balance and
how to juggle practicing family medicine with the
needs of my own newly expanded family.
I know a lot of you are also struggling with finding balance in your lives because I hear how stressed you are caring for children and elderly parents, working a demanding job and somehow also trying to find time to eat healthfully, exercise, and spend time with your significant other. It sometimes feels like there are not enough hours in the day!
Two books I have been reading lately have given me hope that finding balance is actually possible. Bria Simpson's “The Balanced Mom” and Joan Borysenko's “Inner Peace for the Busy Woman” have shown me that one of the most important things I can do is attend to my own needs... without guilt.
If I am rested, eating well and taking time to relax and exercise, I will be a better mother and physician. In addition, they have taught me not to be too hard on myself. A lot of the stress we feel comes as a result of unrealistic demands that we place on ourselves. Sometimes it’s okay not to be perfect, just good enough. Sure it would have been nice to bake cupcakes from scratch for my daughter’s Valentine’s Day party, but I was busy and I don’t think the kids noticed that they came from a mix!
I am also learning how to ask for help more and I am building up a support system of friends and family. This one is tough because we all like to think that we can handle things on our own!
I know a lot of you are also struggling with finding balance in your lives because I hear how stressed you are caring for children and elderly parents, working a demanding job and somehow also trying to find time to eat healthfully, exercise, and spend time with your significant other. It sometimes feels like there are not enough hours in the day!
Two books I have been reading lately have given me hope that finding balance is actually possible. Bria Simpson's “The Balanced Mom” and Joan Borysenko's “Inner Peace for the Busy Woman” have shown me that one of the most important things I can do is attend to my own needs... without guilt.
If I am rested, eating well and taking time to relax and exercise, I will be a better mother and physician. In addition, they have taught me not to be too hard on myself. A lot of the stress we feel comes as a result of unrealistic demands that we place on ourselves. Sometimes it’s okay not to be perfect, just good enough. Sure it would have been nice to bake cupcakes from scratch for my daughter’s Valentine’s Day party, but I was busy and I don’t think the kids noticed that they came from a mix!
I am also learning how to ask for help more and I am building up a support system of friends and family. This one is tough because we all like to think that we can handle things on our own!
I am learning to take what I can get, when I can and to adjust my
expectations. Too busy to go to a yoga class? Maybe I can take 5 minutes and
do a few yoga poses. Can’t get a sitter for date night with the hubby? Let’s
order in and watch a movie instead.
Simple things like placing a pot of daffodils on my kitchen table or putting up my kid’s pictures at work have proven to be great stress busters. I still have those crazy, tiring days when nothing seems to go right, but I am hopeful that those days will become fewer and that I can learn to live my life to the fullest without wanting to pull my hair out!
If you are struggling with finding balance in your own life and are feeling the effects of negative stress, consider seeing one of our mind body specialists, Camille Grosso or Dawn Perez and our Certified Wellness Coach Sarah Sutton for help.
Make it a priority this Spring to learn to live joyfully and to the fullest. My family and I will be right there with you!
-Posted by Hannah Phillips, MD
Simple things like placing a pot of daffodils on my kitchen table or putting up my kid’s pictures at work have proven to be great stress busters. I still have those crazy, tiring days when nothing seems to go right, but I am hopeful that those days will become fewer and that I can learn to live my life to the fullest without wanting to pull my hair out!
If you are struggling with finding balance in your own life and are feeling the effects of negative stress, consider seeing one of our mind body specialists, Camille Grosso or Dawn Perez and our Certified Wellness Coach Sarah Sutton for help.
Make it a priority this Spring to learn to live joyfully and to the fullest. My family and I will be right there with you!
-Posted by Hannah Phillips, MD
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